
My boss is a narcissistic hypocrite.

I’m 20F and my boss is also 20F. We have an administrator over us. When I first started working, she had my position, and her mother had her current position. I don’t know what they did before me, but my current boss did not do most of her work, because it was all put on me when I began working here. I thought me and my boss would be good friends. She started inviting me over and we began to hang out a lot. Then her jealous competitive nature began to show. She would belittle me in small ways. Beg to meet the men I was talking to. Constantly undermine my emotions. Get jealous that I’ve been in relationships and she hasn’t. Ext. High school behavior. I tried not to let it affect me at work even though this behavior took effect at work too. We share an office. I…

I’m 20F and my boss is also 20F. We have an administrator over us. When I first started working, she had my position, and her mother had her current position. I don’t know what they did before me, but my current boss did not do most of her work, because it was all put on me when I began working here. I thought me and my boss would be good friends. She started inviting me over and we began to hang out a lot. Then her jealous competitive nature began to show. She would belittle me in small ways. Beg to meet the men I was talking to. Constantly undermine my emotions. Get jealous that I’ve been in relationships and she hasn’t. Ext. High school behavior.

I tried not to let it affect me at work even though this behavior took effect at work too. We share an office. I am her assistant. I do all of my work. My boss is constantly texting and watching Netflix on her phone, so when I’m done I also do so. Then she gets mad I’m on my phone and tries to throw her own work onto me.

Well in the beginning, she told me I could come to work anytime I wanted before 10 as long as I got my work done. We are technically supposed to be here at 8:30. She is late everyday. Sometimes as late as 1pm, mostly for reasons like she let a guy sleep over, and wanted to spend more time with him. She’ll leave work early to go to birthday parties or to go shopping. Then she tells me to tell everyone she left because she’s sick. Yet, I was showing up to work at 9 instead of 8:30, because I live 45 min away from work, she didn’t say anything at first. Then she told me I have to be on time everyday, and she’s allowed to be late and tell me whatever she wants me to do because she’s the boss. I think she has a misconception on what being a boss is. She told her whole family I was being disobedient then came to work and said I need to learn how “see the lines” between friendship and boss just because I told her it wasn’t fair she was demanding I come in, when she is late everyday.

She is our administrators favorite, as she is a narcissist she is well at manipulating others into her favor, so I feel like if I complain, I will be made out to be the bad guy. This job makes good money, but the system is fucked. I feel like I’m just a doll she is using to kick around.

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