
My boss is an energy vampire!

After meetings I feel as though I've been zapped by Colin Robinson. I feel exhausted and brain dead. Anyone else have one of these bosses? My last boss was amazing, I never left meetings with him feeling like this. I really hate that they hired this guy. I was against it. Just got a bad vibe off of him in interviews from the get go. But he got hired anyways. He skipped out on the most important day of the year for all of us to be on site in person because he “forgot his wallet at home”. When we were already down a team member out on disability. Thanks for letting me rant a bit. I want to hear your similar stories and experiences.

After meetings I feel as though I've been zapped by Colin Robinson. I feel exhausted and brain dead. Anyone else have one of these bosses?

My last boss was amazing, I never left meetings with him feeling like this.

I really hate that they hired this guy. I was against it. Just got a bad vibe off of him in interviews from the get go. But he got hired anyways.

He skipped out on the most important day of the year for all of us to be on site in person because he “forgot his wallet at home”. When we were already down a team member out on disability.

Thanks for letting me rant a bit. I want to hear your similar stories and experiences.

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