
My boss is asking us to submit positive Glassdoor reviews

Our company has a 3.3 star rating on Glassdoor and all of the negative reviews are critiquing my boss for his micromanaging. He is trying to get us all to submit positive reviews to help boost the company’s rating in Glassdoor which seems a bit sketchy. If you have a bad review, it’s for a reason. We have a high turnover rate and I think it’s time to look within the company to see why that may be happening. I have many reasons why. Several months back he tried to hire a private company that promised to raise Glassdoor reviews and found out they were a scam, so now I guess he’s onto another strategy.

Our company has a 3.3 star rating on Glassdoor and all of the negative reviews are critiquing my boss for his micromanaging. He is trying to get us all to submit positive reviews to help boost the company’s rating in Glassdoor which seems a bit sketchy. If you have a bad review, it’s for a reason. We have a high turnover rate and I think it’s time to look within the company to see why that may be happening. I have many reasons why. Several months back he tried to hire a private company that promised to raise Glassdoor reviews and found out they were a scam, so now I guess he’s onto another strategy.

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