
My boss is leading the company to bankruptcy.

He either doesn’t care or is ignorant. I’ve worked for this company for a while , and they should’ve gone bankrupt in 2020. The only reason they survived bankruptcy was because the owner made us cook the books and apply for loans/grants. We should’ve gotten $120k worth of PPP but we got $350k and that’s only the first round. Yes he kept all the workers during Covid, but he also bought a Ferrari, Porsche and few other expensive cars which the company pays for. He exploits the workers that don’t have a legal status for work and pays them crazy low wages. Just to give you a small glance , in our area this specific position makes anywhere from $80-$120. Our guy makes $34. I can’t lie I’ve also got to enjoy some benefits. Nice meals, my has paid for and got a higher than normal wage for my position…

He either doesn’t care or is ignorant.

I’ve worked for this company for a while
, and they should’ve gone bankrupt in 2020. The only reason they survived bankruptcy was because the owner made us cook the books and apply for loans/grants. We should’ve gotten $120k worth of PPP but we got $350k and that’s only the first round.

Yes he kept all the workers during Covid, but he also bought a Ferrari, Porsche and few other expensive cars which the company pays for. He exploits the workers that don’t have a legal status for work and pays them crazy low wages. Just to give you a small glance
, in our area this specific position makes anywhere from $80-$120. Our guy makes $34.

I can’t lie I’ve also got to enjoy some benefits. Nice meals, my has paid for and got a higher than normal wage for my position when I don’t do shit for half the time. I can’t stand around and watch anymore. The company is loosing more than 10k a month and the owner keeps taking out loans to pay bills. He won’t even look for jobs that make the company profit anymore, just something to break even or minimum loss.

I feel bad for all our hard workers. Some of those guys have worked 50-60 hours a week with almost no days off for the last couple years. They don’t have any other options. I’ve watched him almost fight a guy for a dollar raise and the next day he spent 3k on a laptop. I want to stand up to my boss, but I have personal relations with him and other managers outside of work.

I’m quitting in the next few weeks, I can’t be a part of slowly skinning ship anymore.

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