
My boss is mad because they treat their employees like crap

I (23) talked to my boss about a raise (from 16.5 to 18.5) a few weeks ago and she decided that the responsibilities she gave me (enough to be considered an assistant manager) only amounted to $17/hr. She also decided that my 2 co-workers (one who only works 2-3 days a week and one who's retiring in a few months) deserve more with half the work and none of the responsibilities. So I gave my 2 weeks. My last day is right before mother's day, our biggest holiday, being florists. I'm not the only one leaving too. To make up for just my position she has to hire and train 3-4 new people (7-10 new people total). What makes it even worse for them is they refuse to discipline one of my older co-workers who preaches God at work, talks about running over homeless people, and is just generally horrible.…

I (23) talked to my boss about a raise (from 16.5 to 18.5) a few weeks ago and she decided that the responsibilities she gave me (enough to be considered an assistant manager) only amounted to $17/hr. She also decided that my 2 co-workers (one who only works 2-3 days a week and one who's retiring in a few months) deserve more with half the work and none of the responsibilities. So I gave my 2 weeks. My last day is right before mother's day, our biggest holiday, being florists. I'm not the only one leaving too. To make up for just my position she has to hire and train 3-4 new people (7-10 new people total). What makes it even worse for them is they refuse to discipline one of my older co-workers who preaches God at work, talks about running over homeless people, and is just generally horrible. The owner of the shop also is a giant misogynist (90%+ of the employees are female) who just throws around insults. The owners are so out of touch, that they think we need them more than they need us. So far all the new hires don't seem pleased. Overall it's super shady because they dance around overtime and use things like free lunch to justify treating their employees like crap and being super inconsistent with wages compared to work. Anyway it's fun to watch them dig their own graves.

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