
My boss is making me change from 4×10 work schedule to 5×8 because she feels like it.

No other reason. 3 years ago I was seriously deciding to leave the company I work for. I was doing interviews and even got an offer. While the pay increase was nice, the company I currently work for said that we could work 4 days a week or 10 hour shifts. That seemed like a big enough reason (52 extra days off a week) so I stayed. I work in accounting so as long as stuff gets done, it doesn’t matter when I work what. I’ve had Fridays off for years and I have been a big fan of it. Yesterday my boss (of a couple months) told me that I am going to be required to discontinue working that schedule and return to working 5 days a week. I asked her the reasons and she said she just wanted to make sure there was covers and someone was in…

No other reason. 3 years ago I was seriously deciding to leave the company I work for. I was doing interviews and even got an offer. While the pay increase was nice, the company I currently work for said that we could work 4 days a week or 10 hour shifts. That seemed like a big enough reason (52 extra days off a week) so I stayed. I work in accounting so as long as stuff gets done, it doesn’t matter when I work what.

I’ve had Fridays off for years and I have been a big fan of it. Yesterday my boss (of a couple months) told me that I am going to be required to discontinue working that schedule and return to working 5 days a week.

I asked her the reasons and she said she just wanted to make sure there was covers and someone was in the office each day. Mind you, it’s been 3 years. Never a problem. She told me I was one of the last people doing it anyways and I should consider myself lucky I got to do it this long.

I point blank told her that the 4×10 schedule is the only reason I have stayed at the company as long as I have.

So fuck her and fuck that. Here is what I am doing now:

I will continue to start work at 7am every day. I will be off at 3. If they want me longer for some BS meeting, they can pay me OT. I really don’t mind OT.

I also sent an email this morning saying “here are the days I’m taking off.” Not a request. Just informative. She doesn’t need to know why. I’m going to the beach for a week with my family.

But I’m just baffled at how little people care about your life as an employee. Maybe it’s a little nice to have me there on Fridays but I’ve built my life over the past few years around having Fridays off. My partner’s schedule, my daycare drop off. Now I’ll build it around being off at 3pm because fuck them.

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