
My boss is so disorganized and made me wait three months for a promotion only to tell me he now isn’t sure he can give it to me.

I teach fitness classes at a boutique gym and I essentially created my teaching method. I can’t give much more detail, but I had training in X activity but needed to adapt it to another medium without any training and it ended up pretty great. My boss recognized my leadership skills and offered me a position as manager of the fitness class department of the gym. However, upon accepting it, he told me it was actually just an interview offer and that he was sorry for the miscommunication. I was irritated but said I understood and did the interview early Feb. He said he would let me know his decision 1.5 weeks later. 2 weeks later, I heard nothing so I emailed him for an update. He said things had to be moved due to storms and that he was setting a deadline for the hire at the END OF…

I teach fitness classes at a boutique gym and I essentially created my teaching method. I can’t give much more detail, but I had training in X activity but needed to adapt it to another medium without any training and it ended up pretty great.

My boss recognized my leadership skills and offered me a position as manager of the fitness class department of the gym. However, upon accepting it, he told me it was actually just an interview offer and that he was sorry for the miscommunication. I was irritated but said I understood and did the interview early Feb. He said he would let me know his decision 1.5 weeks later.

2 weeks later, I heard nothing so I emailed him for an update. He said things had to be moved due to storms and that he was setting a deadline for the hire at the END OF MARCH. So, ~5-6 weeks later than he initially told me he would get back to me. I was once again annoyed but said I understood.

Come the date, I hadn’t heard from him. Emailed him a week after the date passed and he said he was deciding between me and someone else and had to discuss with the owner. I said ok.

A week later (first week of April), he emails me with good news—I was chosen for the job! He said he was still finalizing details with the owner and would get back to me ASAP but he was going on vacation and it ended up getting pushed another two weeks. Okay, fine. He asked me to have a meeting to discuss last week of April. I said sure, but I want the information by email prior to the meeting so I could look it over, he said no problem. Week of the meeting, he tells me he’s still awaiting confirmation from the owner and had to cancel the meeting. This was 1.5 weeks ago.

I was going to email him today asking for an update and to pressure him because things are taking excessively long and I can’t wait forever, but he emailed me first.

We have a pool facility and he has been unsure of whether we legally need a lifeguard, as the laws are unclear when it comes to private gyms and it depends on pool size as well. Turns out, a lifeguard is most likely needed, and I am not a lifeguard. He reached out to the regulatory board or whatever ten weeks ago and only received a response last week.

He is now saying that he’s unsure if he can hire me because he has to crunch the numbers to see if he can also hire a lifeguard, or if he will need the manager to be a lifeguard due to costs, in addition to awaiting confirmation due to the grey area our pool falls in before he can really make the decision.

So after three fucking months of being strung along and being told I got the job a month ago, I’m once again told that he isn’t sure and I’m back to square one. I needed a job MONTHS ago and I’ve been waiting around for fucking nothing.

Going to start looking for other jobs ASAP. If I find something close to being as good/better by the time he makes his choice, not only am I not going to accept it, but I’ll resign from my teaching job effective immediately. I would have never qualified for this job without the “in” from teaching and I most likely will not be able to find something nearly as good so I’m bummed.

Needed to rant. Thanks for reading.

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