
My boss is starting to show he’s a prick

So today I got recognition at my job. No big deal really it was just a small recognition of a great job in quality assurance blah blah (I work for a call center) Now in our group chat my boss decides to mention me directly and some other girl about how well we did with the QA. Ok, thanks. The group vibe is never serious everyone complains about customers etc etc. so with the mention I come into our chat and post a Michael Jordan mean with his hands up like oh jeez classic meme and then I joked and said “it must be April fools lol jk” about the recognition just joking that I’m not good and it must be a prank. Anyway, my manager decides to text back about how he never jokes (lie) around this time because it’s been 11 yrs since his mom died. And I…

So today I got recognition at my job. No big deal really it was just a small recognition of a great job in quality assurance blah blah (I work for a call center)

Now in our group chat my boss decides to mention me directly and some other girl about how well we did with the QA. Ok, thanks.

The group vibe is never serious everyone complains about customers etc etc. so with the mention I come into our chat and post a Michael Jordan mean with his hands up like oh jeez classic meme and then I joked and said “it must be April fools lol jk” about the recognition just joking that I’m not good and it must be a prank.

Anyway, my manager decides to text back about how he never jokes (lie) around this time because it’s been 11 yrs since his mom died. And I get it but like I’m still confused why he even said that. I said sorry didn’t know and thanks for the recognition.

Then he proceeds to make a joke and post two memes about some other crap and no one likes it and then he comments that it was a dad joke and one girl sympathetically liked it. But like to say you don’t joke on my post then go right behind and post a joke. I’m just like wtf bro are you dumb or a prick cause that literally had no relevance. He’s not a bulls fan nor was his mom and he’s from Philly. Another case of a boss power trip cause he’s threatened

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