
My boss just fired me because I didn’t have the means to get to work

I’m just so mad rn and I thought I should make this post for anyone thinks the system gives a fuck about them. I’m an international student and I’m out here in the summer busting my ass to make up $4k for my tuition to be complete after I gave my parents money back home to cover medical bills cause I put health over school and they didn’t have no one else to turn to. I started grinding and I managed to save up $2k so I was gonna work so much overtime for the extra $2k. I don’t have a car so I use the bus and this morning the bus came so early that I was standing at the bus stop for almost 20 minutes thinking that it’s late until I realized it passed and I texted my boss that I have no means to come to work…

I’m just so mad rn and I thought I should make this post for anyone thinks the system gives a fuck about them. I’m an international student and I’m out here in the summer busting my ass to make up $4k for my tuition to be complete after I gave my parents money back home to cover medical bills cause I put health over school and they didn’t have no one else to turn to. I started grinding and I managed to save up $2k so I was gonna work so much overtime for the extra $2k. I don’t have a car so I use the bus and this morning the bus came so early that I was standing at the bus stop for almost 20 minutes thinking that it’s late until I realized it passed and I texted my boss that I have no means to come to work on time since work is so far from my home and I’ll be late cause the bus here runs every hour and he goes on a rage and starts shouting about how I’m irresponsible and that I’m not reliable when I’ve never asked for a day off. He then proceeds to tell me not to show up at all and that I should forget about working there. I’m so mad rn because I can’t contest it since he is the type to lie about reasons he fires people and I’m just in distress rn cause my school is starting in September and if I don’t get that money, I’m gonna get in trouble with the immigration plus I can’t get any student loans since I’m not a citizen. It took me so long to find this job cause I was getting rejected and idk how long it’ll take to find another. I’ve been starving myself for days to ensure I get that money before school starts and I ate off food I found in my work place fridge. I have no hope and I’m just in tears cause my mind tells me I’m not a bad person for helping my parents but at the same time I’d have that money if I didn’t. They needed to pay the medical bill to get medical help because that’s the way it is in my home country and I had no choice. Any advice is welcome. Thanks for listening.

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