
My boss keeps ghosting me?

Im not sure if this is the right group to post in, im reposting from relaruonship advise but didnt get much in the way of advise etc. So im posting here. Im sorry if i break any rules. Ok, some context. I have a job. A fantastic job that I enjoy a great deal. My position is actually 3 positions rolled into one. 1 of those positions is quite a difficult one. It's a big learning curve as it's much more than just your average retail gig. It takes study and an actual decent chunk of learning time to get the hang of it. The last person who was in this position left suddenly and prepared absolutely nothing for the person who takes over the position : me. When my boss asked me to take on this position, I flew into it with high enthusiasm. I was doing okay, but…

Im not sure if this is the right group to post in, im reposting from relaruonship advise but didnt get much in the way of advise etc. So im posting here. Im sorry if i break any rules.

Ok, some context. I have a job. A fantastic job that I enjoy a great deal. My position is actually 3 positions rolled into one. 1 of those positions is quite a difficult one. It's a big learning curve as it's much more than just your average retail gig. It takes study and an actual decent chunk of learning time to get the hang of it. The last person who was in this position left suddenly and prepared absolutely nothing for the person who takes over the position : me. When my boss asked me to take on this position, I flew into it with high enthusiasm.

I was doing okay, but I knew I could be better. So I asked for some help with getting off the ground with the new position. My manager then told me that she has no idea how to do this job at all and that it's OK if I just “figure it out as you go”. This isn't really a job you can do that with as 1 little mistake can cost the company thousands (I know not a huge amount but I'd still lose my job over it) so I was really nervous to not mess up.

I asked my boss of we could get someone from another store to show me the ropes with this position. I got a “maybe” kind of reply and then nothing for weeks.

Then I came down with a horrible sickness for 2 weeks. I had a pretty serious infection and another issue that effected my balance and motor functions. I'm all ok now thankfully. I was very open with all of my communication with my boss. I expressed how much i valued my job and didnt want my sickness to effect my hours etc. She assured me to take as much time as I needed and my job was okay and not to worry about that. So i took my 2 weeks and went back to work.

A week after I'd gone back, my beloved auntie who I was close with passed away. I was upset, but still went to work. One day it just got the better of me and I went out the back for a few minutes to compose myself after getting the OK from boss to do so. She then came out and asked me if I could go home. I told her that I just needed 5 and I'm happy to stay for my shift. But she insisted, so I went home. She said not to worry about work for the moment and have some time to grieve. I thought this was really nice of her amd thanked her very much for her consideration. I kept her updated with the funeral and let her know the second I was “ready to come back to work” as per her request, which was 3 days after the funeral. Everything was all well and good.

Now, here's the issue. This was over a month ago now. I have not received a single shift since. I have asked my boss several times why im not getting any hours and every time she says “the hours just aren't there at the moment” but they were before i was sick? And I've noticed 2 new names on the roster that have been put on in the last month. I also have noticed one of these new people is doing the hours for my position that I'd been asking about. I emailed my regional because my boss wouldn't give me any answer about my job. Regional didn't respond either but 2 hours after I sent the email my boss finally messaged me and said I'm not being punished or anything but “we'll talk about it when you're back at work” and I'm still not receiving any shifts or communication from my boss anymore. I have asked if I still have a job and it's always an enthusiastic sounding yes I'm still employed and valued as a team member etc, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.

I'm looking for another job and had an interview just yesterday. But, I don't want to leave my job, and I'd really like an explanation as to why this has happened. I feel like I did everything right but it seems as though I've done something terrible wrong that no one wants to have any open communication about. I'm really frustrated because I feel I'm getting told half truths. What do I do in this situation to establish open communication? How can I get my boss to talk to me about my employment and not just tell me “we'll talk about it when your at work next” but then give me no shifts so I'm not there.

Reddit, bestow your infinite wisdom upon me. Wtf do I do here.

Just an add on. I've been looking for jobs during this time. Applied for dozens of jobs and finally got an interview the other day. Apparently there's a huge labour shortage here and “jobs everywhere” lol. Jobs everywhere if you want no more than 4 hours a week. No thanks.

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