
My Boss Lies to Recruiter, Then Leaves

So. Hi. This story took place back when I worked for the big local call center, AKA the worst three years of my life. I could tell you a hundred awful stories, like the way we had our bonuses stolen from us at the end of our most productive month in over a year and then we tanked the sales for the remainder of the month. But the story I want to share is the straw that broke the camel's back. I was about 6 months into a new account after the last one moved their business overseas. It was a massive upgrade- no sales, easy service calls, and I quickly became a top performer. 2 of the 6 months I jumped to being the number one agent (I got a gift card one month and a bluetooth speaker the other which…queue eye roll). During this, I had a really…

So. Hi. This story took place back when I worked for the big local call center, AKA the worst three years of my life. I could tell you a hundred awful stories, like the way we had our bonuses stolen from us at the end of our most productive month in over a year and then we tanked the sales for the remainder of the month.

But the story I want to share is the straw that broke the camel's back. I was about 6 months into a new account after the last one moved their business overseas. It was a massive upgrade- no sales, easy service calls, and I quickly became a top performer. 2 of the 6 months I jumped to being the number one agent (I got a gift card one month and a bluetooth speaker the other which…queue eye roll).

During this, I had a really good interview for a position in recruiting which meant being off the floor. If anyone knows call centers, the goal is to get off the phones as quickly as possible. Fast forward a couple of weeks

I was moving towards supervisory positions and was helping design the new training system while still working as an agent. This meant I was doing more mentoring for agents and spending time in the classroom. When I started this, I told the call center manager at the time (we'll call him Jim) that I had that interview and just a heads up that I may be switching to recruiting partway through the training. He said okay, cool- good luck.

This was a mistake. I was naive and young

Fast forward 2ish months, I hear nothing from recruiting. I go to apply for a different position and the recruiting manager looks at me funny and says “I thought you were a mentor now?”

Come to find out, when she called Jim to tell me I got the position, he told her I no longer wanted to be in recruiting and was gonna be a mentor now- and the real kicker?

During the 2 months Jim got a promotion and left.

I was so.pissed. About a month later I was offered a different job and I quit on the spot.

TL'DR Asshole boss cockblocked me on a promotion then left.

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