
My boss made the intern cry.

Welcome back to the house of horrors chronicles of my old ( resigned this week) work place. About a week ago the manager got a proposal request, basically they have to write out a statement for the company and research various ways the company would be able to fix this specific thing. My manager let's name her “Rosi” (early 50's) sent the task to me 23(F) and intern 19(F) , and told us to read the statement for proposal and get back to her in it. Cool, we read it and found that the deadline was 10 days away and we told Rosi this, Rosi was too busy and told us to remind her this week monday. Done. She said to send her a brief in Tuesday. Done. She said she wanted a follow up meeting on Wednesday, I was on an off day and she cancelled the meeting stating…

Welcome back to the house of horrors chronicles of my old ( resigned this week) work place. About a week ago the manager got a proposal request, basically they have to write out a statement for the company and research various ways the company would be able to fix this specific thing. My manager let's name her “Rosi” (early 50's) sent the task to me 23(F) and intern 19(F) , and told us to read the statement for proposal and get back to her in it. Cool, we read it and found that the deadline was 10 days away and we told Rosi this, Rosi was too busy and told us to remind her this week monday. Done. She said to send her a brief in Tuesday. Done. She said she wanted a follow up meeting on Wednesday, I was on an off day and she cancelled the meeting stating she wouldn't meet without me. Anyways Thursday came and we presented AGAIN and told her AGAIN that the deadline was very stringent and no late submissions were allowed.

Now , finally to the meat of it all. Friday , after the morning meeting the manager tried calling me out in front of the entire office, saying I was unprofessional for not telling them in enough time and detail about the deadline. Lol, to which I referenced the emails I'd been sending over the past 7 days and also noted the direct messages sent to me over the previous weekend. Manager got annoyed and said ” whatever let's just get it done” I went about my day when suddenly the intern bursts into the room and she's crying. I'm concerned but then she tells me that after the manager left and we all went about our work, the administrator called the intern to the manager office. When she arrived the manager basically went at her. Stating that the intern should have been more cognicent of time management and if she knew that there wasn't enough time she should have stayed later to work on the proposal and that she should have rather been taking lunch at her desk while working because now the companies reputation will be in taters BECAUSE THE INTERN DIDN'T WRITE THE PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING … The manager then proceeded to tell the intern that they've been useless and that they were taken in as a favour however because they're so “lazy” clearly they shouldn't be employed.

The gall of it all is that the intern is using their own money to come into work daily. The intern is directly under me and over the span of the past 2 months the Intern has literally been the best worker , she submits everything on time , if she feels overwhelmed she takes work home (which I've told her not to do) and she continuously arrives early so she can make up the extra hour ,considering she leaves slightly earlier because she lives further.

The intern is a recent uni graduate, having graduated in English of all things without a kick of experience in what we do. I was furious and even now I'm still super angry because what the actual fuck.

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