
my boss threatened me and I don’t know why UPDATE and I’m fucking livid

Long story short my boss threatened my job because someone said they had to keep telling me to go back over my work (which was a fucking lie) and I think I found out who it was…the fucking new guy. Mother fucker kept going back over my work and practically claimed it as his (fuck you jeff) and when I confronted him about it he got all defensive and wanted to fight like wtf dude he's atleast 15 years older than me (I'm fucking 21..21!) I admit I was pretty verbally aggressive when I confronted him but who wouldn't be? He also tried gaslighting me into thinking my work was shit..nope I've been working here for 3 fucking years I KNOW how to do my job maybe if he tried that shit a year ago I'd fall for it but not now fucker and when I isolated myself from him…

Long story short my boss threatened my job because someone said they had to keep telling me to go back over my work (which was a fucking lie) and I think I found out who it was…the fucking new guy. Mother fucker kept going back over my work and practically claimed it as his (fuck you jeff) and when I confronted him about it he got all defensive and wanted to fight like wtf dude he's atleast 15 years older than me (I'm fucking 21..21!) I admit I was pretty verbally aggressive when I confronted him but who wouldn't be? He also tried gaslighting me into thinking my work was shit..nope I've been working here for 3 fucking years I KNOW how to do my job maybe if he tried that shit a year ago I'd fall for it but not now fucker and when I isolated myself from him he still tried to get me to fight I don't mean to sound arrogant but I can DESTROY him when I still had access to a gym I used to practice boxing (imagine if Mike Tyson with 30% body fat again I don't mean to sound arrogant) it took SO much will not to just deck him I chose to use my words and I'll use them again tomorrow when I file a complaint I hope to whatever God is up there that they listen to me and solve the situation

Not an alt because I simply don't care if you see this jeff you gasslighting work stealing peace of shit fuck you…

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