
My Boss threatened to fire me because I was 15 minutes late for my shift due to traffic, but refuses to fire my coworker who comes into work drunk.

TLDR at the bottom Basically as the title says, I work at a liquor store, today I was 15 minutes late because of traffic, I texted my boss 10 minutes before I was supposed to be in to explain to him why I wouldn't be in on time, when I got to work he called me into his office and told me if it happens again I'm going to be out a job. Now rewind to last saturday, my Coworker “C”, who started 1.5 months ago came into work for his 12-9 shift completely shit faced, stumbling around, slurring his words, dropping bottles, making customers uncomfortable, the whole 9 yards, it got to the point that my manager had to call my boss to come in and witness it for himself (as this isn't the first time it's happened, and my coworker C has been caught stealing shots of vodka…

TLDR at the bottom

Basically as the title says, I work at a liquor store, today I was 15 minutes late because of traffic, I texted my boss 10 minutes before I was supposed to be in to explain to him why I wouldn't be in on time, when I got to work he called me into his office and told me if it happens again I'm going to be out a job.
Now rewind to last saturday, my Coworker “C”, who started 1.5 months ago came into work for his 12-9 shift completely shit faced, stumbling around, slurring his words, dropping bottles, making customers uncomfortable, the whole 9 yards, it got to the point that my manager had to call my boss to come in and witness it for himself (as this isn't the first time it's happened, and my coworker C has been caught stealing shots of vodka during his shifts and drinking them on the job in the past), my boss came in, called him to the back and talked to him, and ended up sending him home until wednesday (which is today), C came in drunk again today and had to be sent home and he'll be back on friday.

Why am I getting threatened to be fired over being 15 minutes late (I never call out or show up late) but C can come in stumbling around breaking shit and just gets sent home for the day and comes back for his next shift

What should I do??? Any advice welcome

TLDR; my coworker who started only a month and a half ago has come in on more than 2 occassions drunk of of his mind and been caught stealing shots of vodka during his shift, and has yet to be fired or face any repercussions for it, but I was threatened to be fired over getting stuck in traffic and being 15 minutes late for my shift, which never happens

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