
My boss told me because we work for a small family owned business she doesn’t have to keep up appearances.

Backstory: roughly a week ago I (22f) was working at my job which is a small family owned pizza place. My job is basically to deliver food, do dishes, and clean FOH at the end of the night. I had closed on a Friday night but was having a bad mental health day and so my close was not up to my usual standards I will admit. The next afternoon, Saturday, I was feeling better mentally so I decided I was fine to work and I went in. The opening manager (30sf) came up behind me to tell me that I had missed some stuff during my close, I apologized to her and let her know it was a rough night for me but instead of just saying “ok don’t let it happen again” or whatever she decides to start berating me about how I do such an awful job…

Backstory: roughly a week ago I (22f) was working at my job which is a small family owned pizza place. My job is basically to deliver food, do dishes, and clean FOH at the end of the night. I had closed on a Friday night but was having a bad mental health day and so my close was not up to my usual standards I will admit. The next afternoon, Saturday, I was feeling better mentally so I decided I was fine to work and I went in. The opening manager (30sf) came up behind me to tell me that I had missed some stuff during my close, I apologized to her and let her know it was a rough night for me but instead of just saying “ok don’t let it happen again” or whatever she decides to start berating me about how I do such an awful job which turned into a full blown argument where she told me to “clock off and meet her outside” followed by the same threat several more times. I will admit I could have handled it better and chose to not interact but instead I exchanged a few words back consisting of “I know how to do my job” and “go away, I’m not going to fight you, go take care of your kids, leave me alone”. You get the gist.
After threatening to fight me she then gets a few days suspension, a slight cut in tips, and then gets told to not do it again. This manager is known for having a bad attitude and overall just being pretty mean and not pleasant to be around.
After almost 2 weeks I finally get to sit down with the big boss and explain my experience to her. She reassured me that she doesn’t think that what the manager did was right or ok but because I spoke back she won’t be getting fired. She then continued to tell me that she’s worked in this company for around 30 years and she’s also had experience in other jobs where she then told me she had been sexually harassed and nothing had been done about it. This woman told me that because the business is small and she doesn’t have a giant spotlight on her and the company’s reputation so she doesn’t really have to do anything about this.
One of my best friends is also a manager there and he has already warned everyone that if the other manager doesn’t get fired he is leaving and there are plenty of people behind him that will leave as well.
I am tired of the disrespect and I am astonished about how lightly this situation has been handled. I don’t feel comfortable or safe working anywhere near the manager that threatened me and tomorrow I plan on starting to look for a new job and I’ve already warned those who have said they’d follow my friend out to start looking as well because this isn’t going to go our way.
I hope management can handle losing over half their staff instead of just losing one.

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