
My boss took a phone call during our one-on-one meeting

This is probably small beans compared to some other things on this page but it's bugging me. I was on a one-on-one with my boss yesterday (over Zoom) and 45 minutes into our meeting I he made a phone call to one of our colleagues. The phone call was 25 minutes and I couldn't really do anything but sit and wait for it to be finished. They weren't talking about the topic of our present meeting and I could only hear one side of the conversation so it was distracting enough that I couldn't do other work while he was on the phone. This feels really disrespectful to me. I understand that he's a busy man and he might think I have time to spare but I would never pull something like that. Is this something I can reasonably bring up to him and how would you word that? He's…

This is probably small beans compared to some other things on this page but it's bugging me.

I was on a one-on-one with my boss yesterday (over Zoom) and 45 minutes into our meeting I he made a phone call to one of our colleagues. The phone call was 25 minutes and I couldn't really do anything but sit and wait for it to be finished. They weren't talking about the topic of our present meeting and I could only hear one side of the conversation so it was distracting enough that I couldn't do other work while he was on the phone.

This feels really disrespectful to me. I understand that he's a busy man and he might think I have time to spare but I would never pull something like that. Is this something I can reasonably bring up to him and how would you word that? He's a really good boss otherwise but this isn't the first instance he's showed little respect for my time.

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