
My boss wants to pay me cash for the extra work I did at home. Should I be concerned?

My boss gave me some tasks to do and learn a new system for work. These were tasks to do when I had some time at home or in the store. I was told to log my time within our system. So far, I've invested around 15 hours. They saw how much I worked and deleted my hours from the system, saying they'll pay me in cash instead. I have access to everything so I downloaded an excel sheet with the times I worked just in case. However, I am wondering why they would do this. I am part-time, and the hours wouldn't have made me “full time” so I'm just curious as to why they would do this. Ultimately, it would save me money, so I can't complain much. However, I have had issues with cash deals with them in the past which makes me semi weary.

My boss gave me some tasks to do and learn a new system for work. These were tasks to do when I had some time at home or in the store. I was told to log my time within our system. So far, I've invested around 15 hours. They saw how much I worked and deleted my hours from the system, saying they'll pay me in cash instead. I have access to everything so I downloaded an excel sheet with the times I worked just in case.

However, I am wondering why they would do this. I am part-time, and the hours wouldn't have made me “full time” so I'm just curious as to why they would do this. Ultimately, it would save me money, so I can't complain much. However, I have had issues with cash deals with them in the past which makes me semi weary.

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