
My boss won’t hire anyone to help with my part

I work at a fast food restaurant, they like sandwiches and meat, anyways, my manager has had me running the back line (sandwich making station) solo for a month or so now. Problem is he wants to continually improve our numbers and sales and blah blah blah. But he can’t hire a single backliner? Sure. I’ve decided since I’m 1) indispensable and 2) in the absolute seat of power to fuck up his numbers, I’m going to do just that. I’m going to sabotage this store without doing anything wrong. Cause fuck em that’s why.

I work at a fast food restaurant, they like sandwiches and meat, anyways, my manager has had me running the back line (sandwich making station) solo for a month or so now. Problem is he wants to continually improve our numbers and sales and blah blah blah. But he can’t hire a single backliner? Sure. I’ve decided since I’m 1) indispensable and 2) in the absolute seat of power to fuck up his numbers, I’m going to do just that. I’m going to sabotage this store without doing anything wrong. Cause fuck em that’s why.

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