
My boss yelled at me over an understandable misunderstanding today.

Say that 10 times fast. Lol. Not sure if this is the right sub or not. Context: I work at a store, that sells things. My coworker called out. I’ve been told previously that when calling out, you need to speak to who we’ll call the “assigned leader” or AL. The AL is assigned every day and there’s usually more than one, for different parts of the day. It’s most common for employees of my ranking to be assigned this, even when higher ranking employees are present. Almost all of my shifts I’m AL. My coworker who called out had already texted me before I got to work to express that they felt more comfortable talking to me when they called, so I said I would do my best to be the one to answer the phone. We use a computer program where the ALs for the day are listed,…

Say that 10 times fast. Lol. Not sure if this is the right sub or not. Context: I work at a store, that sells things. My coworker called out. I’ve been told previously that when calling out, you need to speak to who we’ll call the “assigned leader” or AL. The AL is assigned every day and there’s usually more than one, for different parts of the day. It’s most common for employees of my ranking to be assigned this, even when higher ranking employees are present. Almost all of my shifts I’m AL. My coworker who called out had already texted me before I got to work to express that they felt more comfortable talking to me when they called, so I said I would do my best to be the one to answer the phone. We use a computer program where the ALs for the day are listed, and when my coworker called out, it was still early and I hadn’t taken a good look at it, so I thought since it was most likely me it was fine since the other two employees were in the back and I couldn’t leave the area I was in.

Me: hey X just called out. (Gives reason for call out)
Boss: who did they talk to?
Me: me.
Boss: they have to talk to the ASSIGNED LEADER. (Beginning to yell)
Me: who’s the assigned leader today?
Boss: THE MANAGER. (Gestures to themselves) (slowly enunciating words, loudly) DOES THAT NOT MAKE SENSE?!?

It’s hard to convey the tone of voice, volume, facial expressions etc. over text but after this I felt degraded, disrespected, among other awful feelings but ultimately I just ignored it, went back to work and pretended nothing happened.

Am I overreacting for wanting to find another opportunity now when I was previously pretty content working at this place? I had to resist the urge to just walk out and not return after this happened.

TLDR; my boss yelled at me because I made a stupid small mistake, now I want to leave.

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