
My bosses are never at work.

Big boss missed Monday and left Friday at 10am. Supervisor leaves 1-1.5 hours early at least three times per week and showed up 3 hours late Wednesday. Three times this week I have been left alone to deal with last minute emergencies that they decided we should tackle at the end of the day just for them to leave and not see the job through to the end. I’m salary yet have been obligated to work about 50 hours this week because we are busy and I need to pick up the slack or I’ll get shit on. I make 20k less than my supervisor and I shutter to think what the big boss makes. These guys are literally worthless it blows my fucking mind that dudes like this make the money they do when they legitimately do not put any effort into their jobs.

Big boss missed Monday and left Friday at 10am. Supervisor leaves 1-1.5 hours early at least three times per week and showed up 3 hours late Wednesday.

Three times this week I have been left alone to deal with last minute emergencies that they decided we should tackle at the end of the day just for them to leave and not see the job through to the end.

I’m salary yet have been obligated to work about 50 hours this week because we are busy and I need to pick up the slack or I’ll get shit on.

I make 20k less than my supervisor and I shutter to think what the big boss makes.

These guys are literally worthless it blows my fucking mind that dudes like this make the money they do when they legitimately do not put any effort into their jobs.

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