
My bosses first words to me after I called them to tell them I’ve been in a bad car accident? “Can you be in in one hour?“ I quit. 2 week notice. They withhold my paycheck.

My old job was great. I loved the clients I worked with, and most of the staff was awesome. But, I was getting pushed around and merry how many times I stood up for myself, my bosses didn’t listen. My kids school tells me that they have to do distance-learning with a weeks heads up. I told my bosses and even my supervisor about it through text, email, and in person. The first day of distance-learning rolls around and they ask me if I was planning on coming in. I told them no, I have to do school with my kid. And they tell me I should’ve given them a heads up… The day after that, I’m on my way to work when I get into a pretty bad car accident. Car is totaled. I called my boss and tell them about the accident, my hand is shaking, and freaking…

My old job was great. I loved the clients I worked with, and most of the staff was awesome. But, I was getting pushed around and merry how many times I stood up for myself, my bosses didn’t listen.

My kids school tells me that they have to do distance-learning with a weeks heads up. I told my bosses and even my supervisor about it through text, email, and in person. The first day of distance-learning rolls around and they ask me if I was planning on coming in. I told them no, I have to do school with my kid. And they tell me I should’ve given them a heads up…

The day after that, I’m on my way to work when I get into a pretty bad car accident. Car is totaled. I called my boss and tell them about the accident, my hand is shaking, and freaking out. The first thing he asked me is, “can you make it here in an hour?“

I hung up and put in my two week notice. Then the day after I quit the day after my last day is payday. No money in my account… I asked my boss and she says that I have to finish all of this documentation that I really wasn’t responsible for. I tell her that that’s illegal but she doesn’t care. I end up doing it and then I go pick up my check and it is about $1200 short.

How are they allowed to get away with this? I keep asking them for the rest, and they keep telling me to talk to someone else. That someone else will tell me to talk to another person. Another person will tell me to talk to that someone else AGAIN. I’m so fucking sick of it.

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