
My boss’s family has covid. He decided to show up to work even though we have the ability to work from home.

So I’ve been looking for jobs for a hot minute because I hate my current employer. It’s ran by a bunch of old people that all have the “Nobody wants to work” mentality when in reality, they just run a terrible company. The executive team, that I work with daily, are all well off, living in very nice homes and taking vacations all the time. Our Vice President now only works 32 hours a week, while nobody else that’s full time in the company is allowed to do this. Meanwhile, I’m over here struggling to pay bills, only earning 3 hours of PTO for every 2 weeks I work, and being overworked because they can’t find anybody to hire for the open role in my department so I’m doing the work of two people. Today, my boss came in late, which is unusual for him. I hear him talking to…

So I’ve been looking for jobs for a hot minute because I hate my current employer. It’s ran by a bunch of old people that all have the “Nobody wants to work” mentality when in reality, they just run a terrible company. The executive team, that I work with daily, are all well off, living in very nice homes and taking vacations all the time. Our Vice President now only works 32 hours a week, while nobody else that’s full time in the company is allowed to do this. Meanwhile, I’m over here struggling to pay bills, only earning 3 hours of PTO for every 2 weeks I work, and being overworked because they can’t find anybody to hire for the open role in my department so I’m doing the work of two people.

Today, my boss came in late, which is unusual for him. I hear him talking to another member of the executive team and found out that his family all have covid, but he decided to come into work today because “He feels fine”. Our CEO believes that people that work from home are lazy and don’t do anything so it’s not normally allowed (unless you’re our CEO who’s been working out of state in his vacation home since November ), but the company has the ability to allow for work from home in situations like this.

Truthfully, this doesn’t surprise me, because this is the same person that told me “Our view as a company is that covid is just a part of life now” back when I was exposed to a friend of mine for an extended period of time who tested positive for covid a couple days after seeing them in January. He tried to not allow me to work from home while I waited for my test results to come back during that situation. I just feel uncomfortable knowing that I’m going to have to be near him during the meetings that we have today and tomorrow. I really just needed to rant and vent about this but I truthfully have no idea what to do. I’ve been looking for jobs since literally August of last year but haven’t had any luck do to my lack of professional experience. I’m in marketing, just graduated in May, and this is my first job as a marketer. Truthfully wanting to switch career fields already because this job’s soured me on marketing and get into some sort of software development job but finding the time to learn that is hard to do (I have an hour drive each way to my current job so by the time I get home I just want to relax).

Anyways, to summarize, I hate it here.

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