
My company has finally made me snap and now I’m having severe panic attacks. NSFW for language.

I am a minority. This company is racist/sexist/ableist/homophobic/transphobic. They’ve asked so much of me for nothing in return. They’ve discriminated against me, and when discriminated against they said there’s nothing they can do- he said, she said, ‘did you try talking about it? They were probably joking’. I did have depression before this, sure. Not anxiety, though; and finally after an incident a month ago, I had a severe panic attack. They are now almost daily. They make me feel like I’m dying. Last weekend I went to the ER. They gave me Xanax for the rest of the week after making sure I was okay, and now I’m going to a walk in clinic this week. I’ve filed an EEOC complaint and I’ve contacted lawyers. I have interviews at other places. I should’ve gone sooner. I tried to interview at other places; I always got scared they would be…

I am a minority.

This company is racist/sexist/ableist/homophobic/transphobic. They’ve asked so much of me for nothing in return. They’ve discriminated against me, and when discriminated against they said there’s nothing they can do- he said, she said, ‘did you try talking about it? They were probably joking’.

I did have depression before this, sure. Not anxiety, though; and finally after an incident a month ago, I had a severe panic attack.

They are now almost daily. They make me feel like I’m dying. Last weekend I went to the ER. They gave me Xanax for the rest of the week after making sure I was okay, and now I’m going to a walk in clinic this week.

I’ve filed an EEOC complaint and I’ve contacted lawyers. I have interviews at other places. I should’ve gone sooner. I tried to interview at other places; I always got scared they would be worse. I kept holding onto hope that all the mistreatment would somehow end with me on top.

I’m scared I will no longer be able to function as a human being. My girlfriend and I are supposed to get married. We want to try for a baby next year. This job has cost me my mental health and in turn it is now having a physical effect on me. I’ve lost a little over 10 lbs in two weeks because I can’t eat- the anxiety makes me constantly nauseated.

Fuck these companies. They’re all straight fucking evil.

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