
My company is doing very little about one of my coworkers drunk husband harassing employees when they leave the building because she’s a “vital” employee (they are exploiting her shitty home life).

This is going to be a big ol wall-o-text rant. So pissed. My coworkers husband is a severe alcoholic. It’s so bad they say he has alcohol induced dementia. A few years ago he spiraled pretty bad. He got a DUI while driving the company truck and was fired. He hasn’t been able to get a job since and his alcoholism has increased 10 fold, He spam calls her all day long while she’s at work. If she turns off or doesn’t answer her phone he will spam call the front desk asking for her. He lies and says it’s an emergency and he needs to talk to her when really it’s all dumb shit. He walks or hitches a ride into town (rural area, they live in an acreage like 10miles from town). He will stalk the parking lots at my work waiting for her, sometimes he tries to…

This is going to be a big ol wall-o-text rant. So pissed.

My coworkers husband is a severe alcoholic. It’s so bad they say he has alcohol induced dementia. A few years ago he spiraled pretty bad. He got a DUI while driving the company truck and was fired. He hasn’t been able to get a job since and his alcoholism has increased 10 fold,

He spam calls her all day long while she’s at work. If she turns off or doesn’t answer her phone he will spam call the front desk asking for her. He lies and says it’s an emergency and he needs to talk to her when really it’s all dumb shit.

He walks or hitches a ride into town (rural area, they live in an acreage like 10miles from town). He will stalk the parking lots at my work waiting for her, sometimes he tries to get into the building (all the side doors are thankfully locked from the outside).

He walks around and looks into peoples cars – one of the time the cops were called on him he smashed his sons truck window to get money/booze.

He bangs on the office windows trying to get people to let him in or to get his wife.

He stalks my coworkers when they are leaving after their shifts. I’m usually one of the last people here and it’s usually dark when I leave. Several times he’s followed me VERY closely all the way to my car asking where his wife was.

This all makes me extremely uncomfortable and I’ve talked to HR so many times about it. The last time she told me to call the cops. Doesn’t really do any good though, they arrest him and she bails him out.

So normally a company would want to protect their workers on company property, right? A good employer would file for a restraining order or press charges for trespassing, right?

My company is doing NOTHING. A group of us questioned our GM today about it after him trying to get into the building all day. He said he went and talked to him and told him to leave and that he was mentally ill. He then went on to say that my coworker is a “vital” employee and doesn’t want to cause trouble for her.

FUCKING EXCUSE ME?! What about the rest of us?! Our safety doesn’t matter?!

He considers her a “vital” employee because she works 12hr shifts Monday-Sunday so she doesn’t have to spend time at home with him. Literally exploiting her because of her home situation.

I’m seriously considering bringing my mace to work and just fucking blasting him but I’d probably get fired for workplace violence. =|

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