And I hate they're asking me to send the letters. I am legitimately being made the 'bad guy' because managers want people in office, sometimes for decent reasons but these employees have been out of the office for 2 years and we made it work so you know, we can keep making it work! But no, apparently managers have complaints that they didn't document but they think being in office would solve so, hey, f your medical concerns HR say you have to return!
So I'm fielding these calls from employees who are (legitimately!) upset because “what do you mean I haven't been doing 100% of my job, my managers never said anything before!” and “what do you mean I have to be in office to train, I've trained over the phone before and you just gave that employee a raise!”
At least the people who actually want employees in office (for no clear reason) have taken this out of my hands at least. Apparently I was being too slow when it came to issuing return-to-office ultimatums…
Thanks for reading my vent. I'm very rapidly becoming disillusionment with my role and abilities to help people and it hurts.