
My company is sending office and salary level people like me to the floor because they can’t get workers. The starting pay is the lowest around and it’s hard work. Of course you can’t get workers.

We're owned by some big shot billionaire in another state. I found out yesterday that I'm going to be on the sorting line for 10 hours next week and it's honestly giving me nightmares. I worked hard to get away from a job almost exactly like that more than 20 years ago. And this is after giving me more responsibility when another person left last week.

We're owned by some big shot billionaire in another state. I found out yesterday that I'm going to be on the sorting line for 10 hours next week and it's honestly giving me nightmares. I worked hard to get away from a job almost exactly like that more than 20 years ago. And this is after giving me more responsibility when another person left last week.

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