
My company loved me and they just let me go

Due to “slow down in business”. Effective immediately. They are paying my hours worked this pay period, and paying out my PTO. Benefits will end June 1. They put me through some transition periods in their business and I put up with all of it cause the money was so much better than what I was doing. But as much as they wanted to invest in my development, and put me on track to grow and move up in the company, it’s all for nothing. Even last week my manager said “I adore you. You have a job forever.” I am so sick of living in a place where because I lost my job I’m under the threat of going bankrupt due to a medical emergency. I’m sick to my stomach and haven’t stopped crying. I have no clue what I’m going to do.

Due to “slow down in business”. Effective immediately.

They are paying my hours worked this pay period, and paying out my PTO. Benefits will end June 1.

They put me through some transition periods in their business and I put up with all of it cause the money was so much better than what I was doing. But as much as they wanted to invest in my development, and put me on track to grow and move up in the company, it’s all for nothing. Even last week my manager said “I adore you. You have a job forever.”

I am so sick of living in a place where because I lost my job I’m under the threat of going bankrupt due to a medical emergency. I’m sick to my stomach and haven’t stopped crying. I have no clue what I’m going to do.

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