
My company picked a side

So I woke up to a company wide email. I work in retail so didn't think much of it. When skimming it, I realized it was regarding Roe vs Wade. Part of me figured it would just be corporate fluff where they pretend to take a side. That's until I got to the second paragraph where it informed me infective immediately, they will be covering traveling expenses for employees in a state where abortions are illegal. I hope other companies will follow suit, as a way to fight back. It's not perfect, but it's something so I'll take it. A step in the right direction at least, I know it's no where near enough, but I'm just so tired and this brought me some comfort.

So I woke up to a company wide email. I work in retail so didn't think much of it. When skimming it, I realized it was regarding Roe vs Wade. Part of me figured it would just be corporate fluff where they pretend to take a side.

That's until I got to the second paragraph where it informed me infective immediately, they will be covering traveling expenses for employees in a state where abortions are illegal.

I hope other companies will follow suit, as a way to fight back. It's not perfect, but it's something so I'll take it. A step in the right direction at least, I know it's no where near enough, but I'm just so tired and this brought me some comfort.

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