
My company sent a gofundme link….

A high-level colleague experienced a devastating loss and I feel for her, however, my company SHOULD NOT be sharing a gofundme for her and her fam encouraging us to contribute. I am baffled that they would do this. First of all, pay people enough that they can afford this sort of loss, and second of all, don’t send it to the entire company when the person affected makes more than most of the other employees!

A high-level colleague experienced a devastating loss and I feel for her, however, my company SHOULD NOT be sharing a gofundme for her and her fam encouraging us to contribute.

I am baffled that they would do this. First of all, pay people enough that they can afford this sort of loss, and second of all, don’t send it to the entire company when the person affected makes more than most of the other employees!

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