
My company wanted to send me to South Africa for no extra money?

I told them it depended on the money. There was no extra money. I said no. They fired me. I got a new job, I still get sent all over the place, but now I get 2 1/2 times my salary (on average) when I do. I believe they (old company) would have had me working for less if they could. 4 guys from my old company went there in the end – they said it was a nightmare and not worth it. Moral: if they don't value you, some other company will. If everyone sticks to their guns then they have to pay what your worth.

I told them it depended on the money. There was no extra money. I said no. They fired me. I got a new job, I still get sent all over the place, but now I get 2 1/2 times my salary (on average) when I do. I believe they (old company) would have had me working for less if they could. 4 guys from my old company went there in the end – they said it was a nightmare and not worth it. Moral: if they don't value you, some other company will. If everyone sticks to their guns then they have to pay what your worth.

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