
My coworker was fired and I don’t agree with it.

I work at a pharmacy in Quebec, as a supervisor. It's a small one, but we're one of the most popular ones in terms of prescriptions in the area, so we see a lot of clients. Out of the many problems we have, we are terribly short staff. There have been multiple new hires that end up not showing up to their shifts. (I wonder if my boss has anything to do with that) One of my co-workers (we'll call her J) that I really enjoy working with was let go today and my boss said it was because she was “too slow to learn”. I know J personally, because I went to highschool with her son, so I know she has some mental issues from a passed relationship and she recently went through surgery. So, I knew to be patient and accommodating with her. You can imagine my surprise…

I work at a pharmacy in Quebec, as a supervisor. It's a small one, but we're one of the most popular ones in terms of prescriptions in the area, so we see a lot of clients.
Out of the many problems we have, we are terribly short staff. There have been multiple new hires that end up not showing up to their shifts. (I wonder if my boss has anything to do with that)
One of my co-workers (we'll call her J) that I really enjoy working with was let go today and my boss said it was because she was “too slow to learn”.
I know J personally, because I went to highschool with her son, so I know she has some mental issues from a passed relationship and she recently went through surgery. So, I knew to be patient and accommodating with her. You can imagine my surprise when my boss told me they were firing her for something so trivial, especially since they always complain about how short staffed we are.
I just don't see how it's good for anybody to fire someone who may be a little slower than the rest! J was always on time to her shifts, she was friendly and helpful to the clients, she still got the job done. Especially since we have gotten so many no show, no calls recently.
There has to be something my boss isn't telling me, it wouldn't be the first time they hide the truth.
I was wondering what reasons you guys think J would be fired?

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