
My current employer stopped putting me on the schedule, it’s been several months

I started working for minimum wage for this company a few days after they were purchased and almost all the previous staff had quit. It was myself and a few other people all through the holidays at this typically busy franchise, extreme verbal abuse from customers and the co-owner but lots of overtime. Over a few months more people got hired and the burden lessened but I was still being expected to come in on every scheduled day off, and to also work at another location in another county. I eventually exercised my right to decline doing those things and they did what they said they do to people, which was not fire me but take me off the schedule, specifically keeping me from getting unemployment. They told me I was too slow and had customer complaints, while keeping much slower employees on the schedule and not keeping in mind…

I started working for minimum wage for this company a few days after they were purchased and almost all the previous staff had quit. It was myself and a few other people all through the holidays at this typically busy franchise, extreme verbal abuse from customers and the co-owner but lots of overtime.

Over a few months more people got hired and the burden lessened but I was still being expected to come in on every scheduled day off, and to also work at another location in another county.

I eventually exercised my right to decline doing those things and they did what they said they do to people, which was not fire me but take me off the schedule, specifically keeping me from getting unemployment. They told me I was too slow and had customer complaints, while keeping much slower employees on the schedule and not keeping in mind how every night those first holiday months there was nothing the few of us could do to keep up with the demand and take the abuse of irate customers (i.e. cheap excuses).

I haven't found a new job yet but when I do I will text someone I thought was my friend that I finally quit and to send me proof/documentation. I don't know why I'm posting this, I don't expect to salvage this situation or get compensation, my life is just a mess right now and in spite of my efforts everyone treats me like a piece of shit. Still alive, though. Don't know how to break this cycle, I can only get jobs where this sort of thing is pretty much expected, I have little resources to even get food right now let alone job-qualifying education/certifications/experience that would get me work that would bump me into a tax bracket that I still wouldn't be able to afford. Starting to rant now… ready to give up

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