
My employer is acting shady about my medical leave

So, I am on 12 weeks approved FMLA. It has been a whole process, including doctor’s visits, filling out proper forms, etc. But I have been keeping on top of everything. The other day, my employer called me and left me a voicemail, asking me to call them back. I called them back 20 minutes later, and it turned out they needed another formed filled out and sent to them. Fine, I took care of it. A few days letter, I get a letter marked urgent in the mail. It says that they have made “several unsuccessful attempts” to contact me, and that I need to respond ASAP. I call them as soon as a I can, and they said it was just in regards to the form that I had already mailed in. I asked for more details on the “several unsuccessful attempts”, and they listed them as 1)…

So, I am on 12 weeks approved FMLA. It has been a whole process, including doctor’s visits, filling out proper forms, etc. But I have been keeping on top of everything. The other day, my employer called me and left me a voicemail, asking me to call them back. I called them back 20 minutes later, and it turned out they needed another formed filled out and sent to them. Fine, I took care of it. A few days letter, I get a letter marked urgent in the mail. It says that they have made “several unsuccessful attempts” to contact me, and that I need to respond ASAP. I call them as soon as a I can, and they said it was just in regards to the form that I had already mailed in. I asked for more details on the “several unsuccessful attempts”, and they listed them as 1) them calling 2) them leaving a voicemail and 3) them sending a letter. That all seems like 1 attempt to me. I feel like they are just trying to create a paper trail so that in case I slip up on something, they can point to this and say “well, we tried to work with him and reached out to him several times”. I am going to ask them to mail me a letter stating what they told me verbally so that I at least have supporting documentation and will probably start recording all of my phone calls with them too. Super shady.

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