
My employer is trying to turn a firing into a resignation.

Hi, capitalism is a failed experiment and I need help. I accepted a position at a new company last year. It was a substantial pay cut from my previous employer, with the understanding in the interview that a company-wide review of the position's pay versus competitors' rates was in process and was expected to be resolved shortly, so I gave the place a shot knowing that it was a gamble. Months later, the pay review has finally came through and …it was still incredibly far off from a competitive rate. The work environment is nice, but I just genuinely can't keep working at their low rate. My fuck-up here: I gave my manager a heads up that I was going to begin looking at other positions. (Yeah, I know. Won't happen ever again, but I know this place has an extensive onboarding process and I felt genuinely bad for the…

Hi, capitalism is a failed experiment and I need help.

I accepted a position at a new company last year. It was a substantial pay cut from my previous employer, with the understanding in the interview that a company-wide review of the position's pay versus competitors' rates was in process and was expected to be resolved shortly, so I gave the place a shot knowing that it was a gamble. Months later, the pay review has finally came through and …it was still incredibly far off from a competitive rate. The work environment is nice, but I just genuinely can't keep working at their low rate.

My fuck-up here: I gave my manager a heads up that I was going to begin looking at other positions. (Yeah, I know. Won't happen ever again, but I know this place has an extensive onboarding process and I felt genuinely bad for the coworkers I was leaving in the lurch. Lesson learned, look out for #1.) Multiple other people in this same department have worked here with the understanding that they were actively applying other places or only here until they found another job in their field. I did not give a date, a time frame, or literally any definitive statement that implied I was turning in a formal resignation, genuinely just tried to show a courtesy. I was asked for a separation date, with the suggestion of my last shift worked or a future date. I responded that I did not have a date at this time, and would provide one when established.

I get silence until a few hours later, when I am told “We appreciate your time here and your resignation has been accepted, effective immediately” and to contact HR with any questions. I immediately respond to this that I did not provide a formal resignation or separation date, no response. So… basically, they're trying to fire me, but not have to pay unemployment.

I sent an email to HR the next morning with the full conversation screenshots, stating again that I did not provide a resignation or separation date, and that with that being the case I would like a statement of why I was terminated. I was told again that I had resigned, to which I responded that I did not give a separation date or any intent to not work my scheduled shifts. I was then asked if I would be willing to speak with HR and my manager on the phone to “clear up any misunderstandings.” At this point there's no way I'm communicating anything without a paper trail, so I declined and said that I only felt comfortable communicating via email at this time. The next message I got:

“To clarify, your leader reached out to me yesterday and I advised that after reading your text it sounded as though you were giving up your position. Without a final date of resignation provided and to ensure coverage for the department, the resignation was accepted immediately. If this is not accurate, can you clarify that you are interested in remaining employed at [EMPLOYER]? I can notify your leader to ensure your employment is not separated.”

I don't really feel like they can walk back the termination of employment here, and to be honest even if I went back there's no way it's not going to be hostile as hell, or that they'll make up a different reason to fire me that gets them off the hook. Is there a way I can handle this that will still leave me eligible for unemployment?

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