
my employer just added me on WhatsApp and im uncomfortable with it

They just added me and asked me if I can come on tomorrow. I honestly don't mind them contacting me but I really don't want it through WhatsApp. I've tried tweaking my settings so random people can't just add me or send me messages but I can't figure out if that's even possible. Any advice on how I should go about this? Is it rude of I ask them to not use WhatsApp? I only just got this job and everyone has been really lovely so don't want to offend anyone

They just added me and asked me if I can come on tomorrow. I honestly don't mind them contacting me but I really don't want it through WhatsApp.

I've tried tweaking my settings so random people can't just add me or send me messages but I can't figure out if that's even possible.

Any advice on how I should go about this? Is it rude of I ask them to not use WhatsApp?

I only just got this job and everyone has been really lovely so don't want to offend anyone

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