
My employer just asked me to quit my second (and better) job to come back full time for them, after cutting me from 50hrs to 20hrs all winter.

Okay so this has me pretty bamboozled not gonna lie. So I decided to leave my trade, to focus on getting into law school. As a result I took and unskilled job with a catering company, working in a freezer all day with minimal time out of the cold, under disrespectful management, and things were good, until winter came and they slowed me from full time to 20 hours. So I end up getting this job at a smoke shop, which pays $1 more per hour, values my work, and essentially allows me to smoke pot and meet friends for money. Now that hours are picking up and they’re overwhelmed and understaffed, they have asked and pressured me to quit my better job, without a raise or any other type of compensation, because “we need you more than them here” and I was written up for responding “I needed rent…

Okay so this has me pretty bamboozled not gonna lie. So I decided to leave my trade, to focus on getting into law school. As a result I took and unskilled job with a catering company, working in a freezer all day with minimal time out of the cold, under disrespectful management, and things were good, until winter came and they slowed me from full time to 20 hours.
So I end up getting this job at a smoke shop, which pays $1 more per hour, values my work, and essentially allows me to smoke pot and meet friends for money.
Now that hours are picking up and they’re overwhelmed and understaffed, they have asked and pressured me to quit my better job, without a raise or any other type of compensation, because “we need you more than them here” and I was written up for responding “I needed rent all winter, pay me more and improve the working conditions, and I’ll consider making a deal with you”
It’s so funny to me how an employer will leave you high and dry but then expect so much out of you as if you owe them anything.

Edit: for clarification, I still work at the first job 5 days a week, and have made my availability exactly what my cut hours were all winter, so over the summer I can maintain the smoke shop.

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