
My employer takes inventory and cash drawer shortages from our paychecks and has for years

Exactly as the title says. I work in the service industry and my place of work has inventory performed once a week by a third party. They then take the loss divided by hours worked and we all get charged a loss amount per hour. The worst part is we get charged the price we would sell to a customer – so not just the loss but also the profit margin. Any drawer shortage over $7 also comes out of our paycheck. We have brought this up to our manager at employee meetings but nothing ever changes. It’s a great job otherwise and we have a great staff so no one has taken it further out of guilt but I’m tired of paying $70 a paycheck to pay for 10 high noons at $7 each. I’ve worked there for a couple of years but my husband has for 14 years.…

Exactly as the title says. I work in the service industry and my place of work has inventory performed once a week by a third party. They then take the loss divided by hours worked and we all get charged a loss amount per hour. The worst part is we get charged the price we would sell to a customer – so not just the loss but also the profit margin. Any drawer shortage over $7 also comes out of our paycheck. We have brought this up to our manager at employee meetings but nothing ever changes. It’s a great job otherwise and we have a great staff so no one has taken it further out of guilt but I’m tired of paying $70 a paycheck to pay for 10 high noons at $7 each. I’ve worked there for a couple of years but my husband has for 14 years. I don’t want to do something about it and jeopardize both of our jobs.

Edit: I wanted to add that this is documented. We each receive a break down of it with our checks. I don’t understand how they don’t think the risk outweighs the reward

Editing again to say this is illegal in my state. To make it legitimate you have to have written authorization after the event occurred and before it is deducted to be legal. We sign a blanket authorization upon being hired but it is explicitly invalid as stated on my states government website

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