
My ex boss lost a ton of my content and passwords after I left. The COO contacted me… and I ignored them. They had the Head of Security reach out… and I ignored them, too. So they called the police.

I gave a 5 day notice because even though they didn’t deserve any notice and I wish I could stick it to the man, I really didn’t want my team to struggle. 2 of them became quite good friends and I knew they would be stuck with all of what I left behind. Anyway, 10 days after my last day (15 days after notice), the COO messaged me on LinkedIn. I had begun my new job already and didn’t really care about the previous COO. I ignored it. She asked for some content and some passwords that I had already provided prior to leaving. Because I knew my boss would misplace the passwords (she literally did the day I sent them to her), I sent them to the other 2 coworkers. The content was on a hard drive because I tried to put them in two separate places – our…

I gave a 5 day notice because even though they didn’t deserve any notice and I wish I could stick it to the man, I really didn’t want my team to struggle. 2 of them became quite good friends and I knew they would be stuck with all of what I left behind.

Anyway, 10 days after my last day (15 days after notice), the COO messaged me on LinkedIn. I had begun my new job already and didn’t really care about the previous COO. I ignored it. She asked for some content and some passwords that I had already provided prior to leaving.

Because I knew my boss would misplace the passwords (she literally did the day I sent them to her), I sent them to the other 2 coworkers. The content was on a hard drive because I tried to put them in two separate places – our server, and Dropbox – and was told by my ex boss and her minion that we don’t put files that large there.

12 days after my last day, COO copied and pasted the LinkedIn message into an email. Like, doesn’t even change how they said, “I’m bad at LinkedIn.” I ignored it again.

30 days after my last day, and well in to my new job, I get an email from the Head of Security. He vaguely threatened me by saying he hoped I was enjoying my new role at ________, but he was made aware that I am keeping company property. Uhmmm ignore. Lol.

45 days after my last day, I get a text from an old coworker telling me that Head of Security is talking on the phone about me and mentioned “keeping property.” I quickly type up an email and say their emails went to spam but I’m happy to help my old boss locate the files she misplaced.

At the exact same time that I hit send, I get two No Caller ID phone calls followed by a voicemail. It was the local police department telling me they had some questions about property I kept from previous job. You guessed it. Ignored it.

I texted one of my friends/previous coworker that I provided the password sheet and asked if she would double check the password in question is on there. And it was. Classic.

Head of Security responds saying he needed to look into this matter further and would follow up. He did so about a week later, asking for SEVEN sets of content (after he had previously asked for TWO sets and a password). I told him I would need some time. It’s been 2 weeks.

I’m so tempted to ignore forever but I won’t lie, I’m nervous about being sued. They’re pretty sue happy and have a legal team on site. But it’s been fun while I sweat them out.

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