
My Ex-company owner (my brother) are angry people are leaving his company

I don't know if this is a proper sub to post, so apologies in advance, since I am looking to rant about my ex-company. I used to work with my brother for 10+ years, I didn't apply to his company, I was in a process of getting a new job that time and my late father asked me to join his new company to help him ( I have no share), because, you know, family. Cue 10 years of “family” exploitation, 10+ hours work time even in the weekend, unpaid sales bonus due to “rough time”, overtime because I was the only person who knew the product (still is, even after I left). The only perk I got was the salary was good, however my mental health was starting to crumble. Before pandemic my brother hired somebody (a lady) to take charge of the operation, and slowly she took over…

I don't know if this is a proper sub to post, so apologies in advance, since I am looking to rant about my ex-company.

I used to work with my brother for 10+ years, I didn't apply to his company, I was in a process of getting a new job that time and my late father asked me to join his new company to help him ( I have no share), because, you know, family.

Cue 10 years of “family” exploitation, 10+ hours work time even in the weekend, unpaid sales bonus due to “rough time”, overtime because I was the only person who knew the product (still is, even after I left). The only perk I got was the salary was good, however my mental health was starting to crumble.

Before pandemic my brother hired somebody (a lady) to take charge of the operation, and slowly she took over every other aspect of the company (that's another issue and story). In 3 years she managed to reduce the head count from 130 people to 70 people with her policies. She brought “corporate spirit” to the company along with “efficiency” and “proper management”, that's how my brother rated her when I asked his opinion about the head count and HR issues. She cuts the percentage of the sales people's bonuses every year, and to make things even more interesting, she implemented a policy earlier this year where the sales people will get written up if they didn't achieve their sales target. This policy made the company only left with 4 sales people in the main office, originally from 12 sales people.

I decided to quit last April to maintain my sanity ( and after joining this sub to be slapped with how fucked the situation I was in) and decided to open my own business in the same field. On my last month, 11 people resigned as well, and this time, brother was triggered because he suddenly realized he has a very low retention of people (I wonder why /s). The HR already complained to me that they are struggling to find people because apparently the ex-staffs has been telling people how bad the company treated their people.

The reason of my rant? My brother called me to berate me accusing me of high jacking his staffs to join my company, because apparently he overheard one of them calling me asking for a job during break time. I told him he should start evaluating the real reason why people left instead blaming me people leaving, and he kept yelling until I turned the phone off.

Being family does not keep people from exploiting you in work, sometimes your own family will exploits you far worse than you think.

Edit: spelling, my bad, was fuming when I wrote this, and still am.

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