
My family think I’m lazy for wanting to quit. i wish they saw how hard I work

I've been working in a hotel primarily as a waiter but as a million other things in that place too due to staff shortage.I've been working there on top of going to college, which I'm about to graduate from in the coming weeks. It's been nothing but minimum wage and misery. I've been treated like shit since my first day and I'm just burnt out. I've had a hundred “last straw” moments in the time I've been there. Recently I've entertained the idea of quitting, and taking the summer to rest at home whilst searching for graduate programmes related to my degree. I've got money saved up that'd carry me through the summer at the very least. My family are all entirely against the idea. Nobody is dependent on me or anything, they just think it's a bad idea for a healthy 21 year old to quit any paying job.…

I've been working in a hotel primarily as a waiter but as a million other things in that place too due to staff shortage.I've been working there on top of going to college, which I'm about to graduate from in the coming weeks.

It's been nothing but minimum wage and misery. I've been treated like shit since my first day and I'm just burnt out. I've had a hundred “last straw” moments in the time I've been there.

Recently I've entertained the idea of quitting, and taking the summer to rest at home whilst searching for graduate programmes related to my degree. I've got money saved up that'd carry me through the summer at the very least.

My family are all entirely against the idea. Nobody is dependent on me or anything, they just think it's a bad idea for a healthy 21 year old to quit any paying job. I understand why they think this way, my mother and all other older relatives have gone through severely tough times in the past and are still a bit traumatised from it so are in that “work till you collapse” mindset.

They all say I need to get a work ethic but I wish they saw how hard I work. I put 100% into everyday I'm there. More than I get paid for. I come home after 10,11,12 hour shifts exhausted and fall back asleep to wake up and do it again.

I'm not lazy I'm just tired, more mentally than physically. I've told them if I stay, I'll be a much worse person at the end of it because even I don't like the type of person I've become because of work. I want nothing more than to enjoy just two final months before I'm trapped in the working man's world forever.

How the hell do I show I'm not lazy, I just care about myself? I could just quit and tell them to fuck off but I wish I could make them see.

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