
My first job after graduating

A little power changes people. I have so many stories about this job but I just saw a post that reminded me of something that happened. I'm in the UK, and after graduating, a guy I knew socially offered me a job in my field, remote working. Sweet summer child that I was, I jumped at the opportunity. After a few months, it transpires that HE decides when I'm ALLOWED to finish for the day, and there's a whole escalation (which I may go into later). There comes a point where he insists I work from HIS home, not mine. So after working there for god knows how long, I had to take time off sick. When I return to work, he meets me outside his house, asks if I still want a job (I had nothing lined up and no real experience) so I said yes. Then he tells…

A little power changes people. I have so many stories about this job but I just saw a post that reminded me of something that happened.

I'm in the UK, and after graduating, a guy I knew socially offered me a job in my field, remote working. Sweet summer child that I was, I jumped at the opportunity.

After a few months, it transpires that HE decides when I'm ALLOWED to finish for the day, and there's a whole escalation (which I may go into later). There comes a point where he insists I work from HIS home, not mine.

So after working there for god knows how long, I had to take time off sick. When I return to work, he meets me outside his house, asks if I still want a job (I had nothing lined up and no real experience) so I said yes. Then he tells me that HE decides if I can be off sick. I've to travel over an hour to his house, then he'll make the call on if I'm sick enough to go home or not.

For oh so many reasons, fuck that guy. Fuck all bosses like him. Fuck anyone who sees responsibility as power over another human.

I'll probably post meatier stories as they occur, but this is a primer.

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