
My first post here. Thought I would share one of my worst experiences with you guys.

I worked at a restaurant that was on a very busy “bar” street. The owner was this sweet old woman, but she ended up giving the whole place to POS alcoholic son. He was such an aggressive, angry, creepy person(40+ years old and would constantly hit on the 18-19 year olds.) He got this very pretty just turned 18 year old to go out drinking with him. He got her extremely drunk, kicked her out of his place, smashed her phone, and refused to take her home or call her a ride. She ended up in a bad wreck and literally ruined her life. (Just to give y'all a little picture of who he is) Once a year they had a festival and every employee was forced to work from open(8am) to close (anywhere from 1am-3am). This was the busiest day of the year. The rules were absolutely no breaks.…

I worked at a restaurant that was on a very busy “bar” street. The owner was this sweet old woman, but she ended up giving the whole place to POS alcoholic son. He was such an aggressive, angry, creepy person(40+ years old and would constantly hit on the 18-19 year olds.) He got this very pretty just turned 18 year old to go out drinking with him. He got her extremely drunk, kicked her out of his place, smashed her phone, and refused to take her home or call her a ride. She ended up in a bad wreck and literally ruined her life. (Just to give y'all a little picture of who he is) Once a year they had a festival and every employee was forced to work from open(8am) to close (anywhere from 1am-3am). This was the busiest day of the year. The rules were absolutely no breaks. Even if you were a smoker, you couldn't step outside for 2 minutes or you would get fired. Since there were no breaks, we were not allowed to eat. It was at least 100 degrees that day (half of the bar sat outside). Around 4pm, I started getting extremely dehydrated and hungry. I stepped out the back door to eat A PIECE OF BREAD. hoping it would help. My boss was outside smoking (of course it was okay for him to do that) and he started screaming at me and snatched the bread from my hands. I went back inside and kept working. Around 6pm, my hands started shaking uncontrollably and I ran into the back and next thing I know, I'm being carried to a table and told not to move. The ambulance comes and finds out what happened and absolutely chewed my boss out. Then, and only then, were we allowed to have a quick snack. Boss brought me a meal they made and tried to act like it was my fault for not eating sooner. They tried to get me to finish my shift but I said fuck that and went home. Everyone was pissed for me for “abandoning” them. The next day I quit and about a few weeks later, I hear half of the staff quit too. The manager ended up losing his job but who fucking cares because he has so much money from his mommy, he will be just fine. I found out years later he got arrested for attempted murder because he was on the highway, and pushed out a young lady who he was fighting with in his car. He ended up getting off, but I'm pretty sure he burned through all of his money fighting it. Screw work and screw laws that protect people like this. I live in an “at will” state so basically all the responsibility is on the employee instead of the employer. So, so, so wrong.

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