
My Former Boss Is Getting Served

My former boss, she's a character. She would project her anxiety and emotional baggage onto me while I was her personal assistant. She would bother me in the middle of the night to do this. She had a problem with me having personal relationships outside of work because they infringed on her ability to have me at her absolute beck and call at night and over the weekends. Despite being a personal assistant I still had working hours, which she would frequently disregard to force me to sit there and be her shrink under the guise of it being work related. She cut my pay by hundreds of dollars and still expected the same level of service even after the pay cut. I went on a short trip out of town to visit my girlfriend, and she decided she wanted me to do my job remotely with no notice. I…

My former boss, she's a character.

She would project her anxiety and emotional baggage onto me while I was her personal assistant. She would bother me in the middle of the night to do this.

She had a problem with me having personal relationships outside of work because they infringed on her ability to have me at her absolute beck and call at night and over the weekends. Despite being a personal assistant I still had working hours, which she would frequently disregard to force me to sit there and be her shrink under the guise of it being work related.

She cut my pay by hundreds of dollars and still expected the same level of service even after the pay cut. I went on a short trip out of town to visit my girlfriend, and she decided she wanted me to do my job remotely with no notice. I would have been homeless as a result because one of the benefits of my employment was housing (thankful for my partner, she's been my rock through this crap). Then a month later she dismissed me (thankfully I lined up another job during this shit.) She also made it impossible for me to retrieve my property for over a month.

She is the most emotionally manipulative human being I have ever met. She flew me to a foreign country under the guise of being an apprentice learning marketing automation, but instead had me be a glorified butler and echo chamber for her insane narcissm. She would tell me that our business agreement is legally governed by Canadian laws and I was a contractor and there was fuck all I could do about it.

She doesn't know it yet, but she fucked up. She governed out business relationship with an agreement that established in writing a physical office space in the country we are in now. She set working hours for the month and essentially made me an on call whatever. The country I live in now defines this as an employer EMPLOYEE relationship.

As such, I was entitled to thirty days to vacate the property instead of 0 notice, I was entitled to health insurance, vacation pay due to me at my dismissal, a Christmas bonus, and a few other employment protections. She broke so many laws that my lawyer started drooling at the consultation.

Right now, she exists in her narcisstic lala land where she thinks everything is golden and she's the shit, but tomorrow that illusion is going to shatter when I file a labour complaint ballin' it'll make her head spin. In a country that only takes the complaint if you can absolutely prove the law was broken. After this, the federal health insurance provider is going to get another complaint and their first step will be a full blown audit, and she won't be able to hide from that. Finally, the country's tax man will be getting a very detailed complaint about how she didn't set herself up to pay taxes for a business she established physically in their country by hiring me and giving physical tasks to.

She's going to be buried up to her highballs in legal consequences when all she had to do was treat me like a human being and not effectively rob me of my property, including my birth certificate.

I can't even sleep right now, I'm so excited to deliver the order to appear.

Employers like her are the reason this sub exists, at least one of them is about to get what they deserve.

TL;DR: don't treat your PA like shit.

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