
My friend was fired on the spot for sitting down. He started 5 days ago.

My friend is a trans boy, 21 yo. He has being dealing with depression for a while, but one of the good things that happened to him recently was finally to land on a job, although he got a barber certificate and started to cut hair at his home, but is not enough income, and he needs money for savings, living, and among other things, start HRT. He lives at his parent's home, so he doesn't pay rent. He found a job at as a secretary at a physical therapy clinic. The place seemed nice and started well. He arrived before the starting hours, stayed late, made extra hours, he did stairs up and down many times a day, helped with patients, even one night did hair cuts for the rest of the staffs. The thing is that the stairs were tiring and his back started to hurt from standing…

My friend is a trans boy, 21 yo. He has being dealing with depression for a while, but one of the good things that happened to him recently was finally to land on a job, although he got a barber certificate and started to cut hair at his home, but is not enough income, and he needs money for savings, living, and among other things, start HRT. He lives at his parent's home, so he doesn't pay rent.

He found a job at as a secretary at a physical therapy clinic. The place seemed nice and started well. He arrived before the starting hours, stayed late, made extra hours, he did stairs up and down many times a day, helped with patients, even one night did hair cuts for the rest of the staffs. The thing is that the stairs were tiring and his back started to hurt from standing up so much. He was reprimanded a few times for checking the time on his phone during breaks, while he says that there were other guys who were standing on the way chatting on their own phones, and there was no official no phone policy.

Today (Friday), he was tired and took a sit, some manager saw him sitting and fired him on the spot, no warnings, no explanations. Some other guy there said that the manager did put some “Conchitas de Mango” (Is a term in my country for some traps people put to “test you”, the equivalent in english would be like “Banana Peals”) and that he slipped on every single one of them, yet didn't care to explain what my friend did wrong.

My friend just left the place early, and texted me sad, and he is back at square one. I told him that this is a place that seems to have an employee rotation rate higher than the empire state, if they are willing to throw away employees so easily.

For private companies, there is no such thing as suing for “Wrongful termination” on my country, it is different for public companies, since they're all syndicated (Or unionized, I work at a mixed private-state owned company and i know i can't be fired at the spot). The is no evidence that he might be fired just for being trans, but there is no trans legislation in my country either.

Im very sad for my friend. Everyone who knows trans people should know how hard it is to land on a decent job.

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