
My GF refuses to return to work after covid measures made the job miserable.

My girlfriend used to work at value village, when covid started they had to lay everybody off and she was sent home, after a few months they managed to get the workplace within what the government wanted for covid measures. One day she gets a call from her manager who offers her her job back with an absolutely insane schedule that went from being put up a week in advance to daily and no pay increase, lunch schedules all over the place and being denied having water at their workstations. When she asked if there would be a pay increase they said no and she said well then I'm not coming back thank you (they were shocked), she was the top employee in the area she worked in so much in fact that her supervisor texted her afterwards and almost begged her to come back she's now a pet groomer…

My girlfriend used to work at value village, when covid started they had to lay everybody off and she was sent home, after a few months they managed to get the workplace within what the government wanted for covid measures. One day she gets a call from her manager who offers her her job back with an absolutely insane schedule that went from being put up a week in advance to daily and no pay increase, lunch schedules all over the place and being denied having water at their workstations. When she asked if there would be a pay increase they said no and she said well then I'm not coming back thank you (they were shocked), she was the top employee in the area she worked in so much in fact that her supervisor texted her afterwards and almost begged her to come back she's now a pet groomer and far far happier working for a boss that cuts her in when the business makes more money.

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