
My girlfriend and I haven’t had to pay for trash bags, toilet paper, detergent, paper towels in over 6 months

I had caught COVID at work (gas station) the same day as another co-worker. I was out of work for a month because I tested positive 12 days into quarantine. So I had to quarantine again. I didn't have sick time, though got a tiny bit of temporary disability pay($500 woo-hoo /s) Though our companies workers compensation insurance DENIED both my co workers and my claim. Even though in Oregon you can most DEFINITELY apply for workers comp for catching Covid. Not to mention we caught it the same night, had symptoms the same day, etc,.. So you know what I'm doing to make up for the almost full month of pay? Started taking 80+ massive black trash bags, stacks and stacks of paper towels. (I work over nights with one other person, so no one would notice) Also my girlfriend works at a hotel. She brings home dozens of…

I had caught COVID at work (gas station) the same day as another co-worker. I was out of work for a month because I tested positive 12 days into quarantine. So I had to quarantine again.

I didn't have sick time, though got a tiny bit of temporary disability pay($500 woo-hoo /s)

Though our companies workers compensation insurance DENIED both my co workers and my claim. Even though in Oregon you can most DEFINITELY apply for workers comp for catching Covid. Not to mention we caught it the same night, had symptoms the same day, etc,..

So you know what I'm doing to make up for the almost full month of pay?

Started taking 80+ massive black trash bags, stacks and stacks of paper towels. (I work over nights with one other person, so no one would notice)

Also my girlfriend works at a hotel. She brings home dozens of rolls of toilet paper at a time. As much laundry detergent as we want. Etc

We don't feel one bit bad about it. Our monthly store runs are a lot cheaper now.


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