
My heart is hurting

I work at a recording studio, which often requires me to work nights and weekends. My partner is going through a really difficult time emotionally and I know it would help immensely to have me by her side through it, but I’m not sure how to do that. I don’t have the money to quit, but finding 9-5 style work in my industry is very difficult and pivoting industries also seems like a daunting task. There isn’t a point to this post, I’m just feeling lost and angry at this fucked up system

I work at a recording studio, which often requires me to work nights and weekends. My partner is going through a really difficult time emotionally and I know it would help immensely to have me by her side through it, but I’m not sure how to do that. I don’t have the money to quit, but finding 9-5 style work in my industry is very difficult and pivoting industries also seems like a daunting task. There isn’t a point to this post, I’m just feeling lost and angry at this fucked up system

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