
My husband works for idiots.

This is his first job in years and he has no plans to fill out more paperwork to find another job but this place is seriously a pit. They work him full shifts with no breaks. Everyone keeps quitting and he's picking up shifts because he can't say no. A few days ago this one lady from the corporate office showed up and told the assistant manager a bunch of B.S about how my husband is negative and how others have complained about his attitude and a bunch of other lies. I don't know why she would do that because he's the most dedicated person they have there besides the managers. He got pulled into the office and the assistant manager told him what she said and that she wants them to fire him but nothing was in writing. No formal writeup or anything. Just “this lady thinks you're too…

   This is his first job in years and he has no plans to fill out more paperwork to find another job but this place is seriously a pit. They work him full shifts with no breaks. Everyone keeps quitting and he's picking up shifts because he can't say no.
A few days ago this one lady from the corporate office showed up and told the assistant manager a bunch of B.S about how my husband is negative and how others have complained about his attitude and a bunch of other lies. I don't know why she would do that because he's the most dedicated person they have there besides the managers.
     He got pulled into the office and the assistant manager told him what she said and that she wants them to fire him but nothing was in writing. No formal writeup or anything. Just "this lady thinks you're too negative and she says she asked around and other people agree and she said she wants you gone." My husband asked around and no one he works with has had a conversation with this lady at all so no clue where this is coming from. 
   They also do a bunch of other illegal shit I have been trying to get him to report but he's too afraid of losing his job to report anything. I can't even get him to take pictures for proof. They would definitely get shut down. I'm not sure how to convince him that finding another job is better than working for these people. Sometimes it seems like he's about to but he has one halfway okay day and he's back on the cog wagon till they piss him off again. 

Tldr: husband works for a bad company and I don't know how to convince him to leave for a better job.

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