
my internship wants me to be in the office but they don’t pay me anything.

Guys idk what to do I took an internship (required to pass university) and they’re at the opposite side of the city and expect me to drive there regularly to work at the office and I don’t get payed a single cent. Worst thing about it is that my job is editing and doing graphics, which would actually work better if I did it from home, I’ve asked about it two times already and they just beat around the bush with it and give me half baked answers. One of the times the manager replied saying that she lived far away too, I had the instinct to reply “Yeah the difference i don’t get paid for this shit” but it was the first day so I didn’t. How do I fix this I don’t want to be aggressive or too rude cause it’s not like they’ve gone out of their…

Guys idk what to do I took an internship (required to pass university) and they’re at the opposite side of the city and expect me to drive there regularly to work at the office and I don’t get payed a single cent. Worst thing about it is that my job is editing and doing graphics, which would actually work better if I did it from home, I’ve asked about it two times already and they just beat around the bush with it and give me half baked answers. One of the times the manager replied saying that she lived far away too, I had the instinct to reply “Yeah the difference i don’t get paid for this shit” but it was the first day so I didn’t.
How do I fix this I don’t want to be aggressive or too rude cause it’s not like they’ve gone out of their way to be assholes or anything like that, but let’s be honest, if you pay me 0€ what incentive do you expect me to have to be in the office let alone agree with your idea of how working should be? For University credits? Yeah right, my ass.
Fuck whoever created internships.

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