
My job asked me to take a 50% pay cut to stay home and now they want me to do “some” work

So I decided to spend this week applying to new jobs and I have two interviews scheduled. I'm really excited as my current job has been overloading me, I have three bosses who tell me that each of their things is more important than the other persons. Then I'm put on the spot when one asks me why their thing wasn't done versus the other person and none of them have the balls to actually speak to each other. Since we're so slow right now they wanted me to take a 50% pay cut for the week and told me to take the week off. That was yesterday and they are already backpedaling sending me messages saying I hope you're doing XYZ even though your home this week. I'm not doing anything except applying for a new job. I'm not sure how either of these new opportunities will play out…

So I decided to spend this week applying to new jobs and I have two interviews scheduled. I'm really excited as my current job has been overloading me, I have three bosses who tell me that each of their things is more important than the other persons. Then I'm put on the spot when one asks me why their thing wasn't done versus the other person and none of them have the balls to actually speak to each other. Since we're so slow right now they wanted me to take a 50% pay cut for the week and told me to take the week off. That was yesterday and they are already backpedaling sending me messages saying I hope you're doing XYZ even though your home this week. I'm not doing anything except applying for a new job. I'm not sure how either of these new opportunities will play out for me but I'm excited to get started and obviously continue being employed. I just got myself a brand new car, I'm moving into a more expensive brand new apartment this weekend, and I'm currently paying the balance between my tuition and student loans because I just decided to go back to school and finish my bachelor's degree. This couldn't have come at a worse time and on top of everything for months I have had to practically beg them to remember to pay me every week. I tried to give them a pass on their personal beliefs which I don't care for and hate seeing expressed in the job ie. A lot of anti-vax pro-life the world is probably flat and run by demons yada yada stuff that I don't think anyone should be talking about at work. Always been the type to keep my head down and do my job. Last week they used me like free labor for another company. My position is primarily clerical with a small amount of packing and shipping involved. When I applied to this job they told me it was a data entry position as an office manager. Somehow it has evolved into becoming the office manager for two companies as well as doing all of the customer service, marketing, purchasing, accounting and Logistics for an online business. Think Amazon reseller. I'm tired I'm so freaking tired. In October I was hit by a drunk driver I'm still in physical therapy and I am not allowed to pick up anything heavy but here we are. I spent last week doing multiple pallets of 50 lb boxes that I had to pack, label, add individual item stickers, figure out the pallet map, and coordinate pickup for. I think in total it came out to just shy of 7,000 lb. On top of all my regular duties mind you. My boss had asked me to keep track of the hours I spent doing those pallets for this other company. And you know what happened? I had to draft an invoice for the hours that I worked for that company so that they could be reimbursed for my labor and not one cent went my way. They also valued my work at a higher rate than I'm actually paid. When I tell you I'm going to run screaming out this door and they're going to be so screwed. See the company I work for does not have experience in logistics, marketing, online sales, or functioning as a large distribution center. When I first started there they were a small company that was selling jewelry and dog treats on eBay. I don't wish that they fail not my style. I only can hope that in hindsight they realize they screwed up big time. Two more years two more years and I'll have not just 15 plus years experience in this industry but also that beautiful expensive piece of paper to back it up. I see people in my area doing my job for 70 $80,000 a year just because they have that piece of paper. It's so aggravating especially knowing that this job underpays me. I'm interviewing for a medical billing position that is work from home and about the same in terms of pay. This will allowed me so much more time I can probably take an extra class or two a semester and really bump up my graduation date. Anyway I was just venting thank you very much if you got this far. Please add why you're just having a bad day if you need to get it off your chest let's commiserate.

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